The New Axor Bushpig 12 Gauge Review

Last updated on August 4th, 2024

Pig hunting has always been a massive part of hunting in Queensland for me, so I always keep an eye out for the latest and greatest 12 gauge. A few months ago a mate picked up the new Axor Bushpig and I had a few shots with it on a hunting trip to get a feel for how it handled. The biggest thing I immediately noticed is the handy push button cycling system.

Axor Bushpig

There are a few variants in the Bushpig lineup with a 28” barrel, 20”, the tacticool 20” XT and a walnut version. The XT has a neat heat shield along the barrel, so after putting in my PTA, I ordered the silver Cerakote XT model. The shotgun comes with some standout features, namely its break action ability and the ambidextrous push button on top.


Having been a lever action, lever release and straight pull 12 gauge user for several years, it was great to compare them to a push button model. For pig hunting I want quick follow up shots being able to stay on target, this is where the Bushpig does a great job. Similar to lever release, the push button works on a gas inertia system where the shell is ejected after each shot.

Once fired the gas blows the bolt back which ejects the spent cartridge. The bolt gets held in place until the button is pressed. Once pressed the bolt slides forward, cambering the next round, ready to fire. Loading the shotgun is easy through the traditional loading gate underneath, shells simply slide into the tube which I’m familiar with from most other shotguns I’ve owned. There is however another way to load the shotgun, by breaking the action and feeding the shells directly into the tube.

There is a little latch that catches each one as it goes into the tube. As for how many rounds it holds? The tube holds five rounds in total. With the magazine full, to chamber a round the bolt handle is pulled back and the push button pressed to cycle the bolt forward ready to go.

Axor Bushpig

To open up the shotgun, there is a latch behind the weaver rail on top of the shotgun, once it’s pulled back the shotgun folds in half. The break action makes the shotgun incredibly easy to clean and holds this ability over other shotguns I have used. Breaking the shotgun in half also makes transport way easier, something I noticed loading the car up before my last hunting trip. The compact package is a lot shorter than my usual long gun bags and meant it was easier to pack around my other gear.

Axor Bushpig

Just like changing the seat when you sit in a new car, the Bushpig lets you customise the cheek comb so you can get the right sight picture behind the shotgun. There are two screws that you can loosen and adjust the cheek comb to the height that suits.

Having grown up shooting military surplus rifles with unforgiving metal buttstocks, I tend to notice when a heavy recoiling firearm doesn’t kick as expected. There is a very soft buttpad used on the Bushpig that is a nice surprise. I wasn’t expecting it to have a softer recoil. From the slugs and buckshot I ran through it, the buttpad does a great job mitigating a chunk of the felt recoil when using the shotgun.

Axor Bushpig

I’m used to having a few extra rounds attached to the side of my precision rifles so having a spot to hold two 12 gauge rounds under the buttstock is a nice addition. The clips are a hard plastic and have kept rounds secure the last two trips out with the Bushpig.

The Bushpig has standard iron sights but also comes optic ready out of the box with a weaver rail mounting option on top of the action. This allows you to easily mount a red dot. I got a ZeroTech Thrive HD reddot which was a quick install process compared to the usual mounting process for one of my long range rifle scopes. The Bushpig measures 104cm overall with a 20 inch barrel and weighs 3.5kg. Overall the machining and finish are a lot better than expected for the price bracket it sits in. I feel this is really what you want in any purchase, to be impressed with the quality for how much you are paying.

It feels really good in the hand and it definitely gives me confidence it will hold up to a beating out west. I do feel this could retail for a few hundred more and I wouldn’t be surprised at all. A few years ago I did have a new shotgun fall to pieces after only a few rounds of 00 buckshot the first hunting trip I took it out, so I am very critical on any new shotgun I pickup. My shotguns get a workout on mostly heavy hitting buckshot so the first trip out with a new shotgun it gets put to the test.

In The Field

With two hunting trips under my belt with the Bushpig I have a pretty good feel on how it handles. I have put around 10 different loads through it, including slugs, buckshot and trap rounds. The advert online says it can cycle shells between 28g and as heavy as 36g, so far I haven’t had any issues with all the shells I’ve fed it.

Axor Bushpig

It comes with shotgun choke tubes which means you get plenty of options of spread patterns to suit the type of hunting you are doing. If you find your spread pattern is too tight or too loose you can easily change it out. With full, modified and cylinder chokes. The shotguns recoil isn’t too bad thanks to the gas system and the soft butpad. Normally there’s a little more damage to the shoulder after a weekend shooting 00 buckshot.

Axor BushPig

As for safety? There’s a positive crossbolt safety located in the trigger guard. Its in a convenient spot and easy enough to switch on and off when needed. Sticking to the trigger guard, the trigger on this shotgun is great, breaking at 2.5kg and doesn’t feel too heavy at all. The charging handle is textured and easy to grip, making the initial pull to the rear on a full mag easy and satisfying,.

It took a bit to rewire the brain remembering to use my thumb to cycle the next round. Muscle memory kept wanting me to press a lever but after a few dozen shots I had successfully mapped it out, meaning that I was able to get shots away in quick succession without over thinking it. As for transport, I like the small softcase that comes with the gun, its a nice change from the usual easily identifiable long rifle bag. The only improvement I have for the shotgun to help with transport in the field is adding a sling so I can put it on the shoulder when on foot.

Axor Bushpig

Summing Up

Its been an interesting ride over the years with the evolution of shotguns in Aus. Lever actions then came straight-pulls and more recently lever release until finally here we are at the convenient push button’s. My mates comments early on when he first got the shotgun have stuck with me. He ‘like for like’ swapped his Cat A straight pull shotgun for the push button Bushpig. Its comforting to know here in QLD at least, we can simply trade our bolt action shotguns using the ‘like for like’ rule to easily get the latest and greatest 12 gauge.

Axor Bushpig

I find myself continually impressed with the quality of shotguns coming out of Turkey. The construction, features and price point make this a very attractive option for those seeking out a scrub shotgun. I’ve found it really fun to use and it hasn’t let me down on my hunting trips. I liked using the push button mechanism when I first tried my mates one and now that I’ve had a few trips away with it, I can say I love it. Another part of me is also thinking that going back to a shotgun without the convenient break-action will hurt. Overall, I’m stoked how my latest scrub shotgun has turned out.

Axor Bushpig

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